Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday night after what seemed like a very long week. The highlight was a wonderful lunch with a friend at Zen 8. Wow, what an amazing meal. Probably one of the best selection of sushi I've ever enjoyed. Granted I'm not a sushi expert, but it really was wonderful and terrific service, which at many times can be difficult to come by in Calgary. Anyway, I would highly recommend a visit to Zen 8. It is at a new location on 3rd street. It use to be at a lovely place called Penny lane. It was a wonderful character block that was torn down for one of Calgary's many growing skyscrapers which is in the process of growing from the ground and one day will reach for the sky.

Check it out:

French a love hate relationship!

Went to my french class last night after missing one of the classes and not looking through the materials I missed prior to the class. Must say that I was a little lost. Who knew trying to learn a new language could be so difficult. Sometimes I feel as if my thick head is never going to absorb the wonderful language I so long to understand. It is one of my big goals in life to learn French and I will have to stick with it, even if it takes me my whole life to learn. I absolutely love the sound of someone speaking French. After all, take the word "Merde", which sounds like you are proclaiming something victorious when it is nothing more than "shit". Yes, my friends, even the most vulgar word sounds triumphant when pronounced in the french language. Au Revoir my friends!

Monday, July 27, 2009

be still my beeting heart...

I made a wonderful culinary discovery on the weekend, Candy Cane beets. Just the name itself intrigued me enough to purchase them. I got home and immediately sliced one up to see what I might find. Sure enough they had a lovely white inside with pretty pink rings. I had never heard of them before, but it was part of what I love about going to the farmers market. The chance of discovery. I also love the notion of buying local produce during the summer months. I know that is all the rage these days, but the freshness of the local produce offered at this time of the year at the markets is quite wonderful. Although you do still have to watch out if you are trying to buy local. We picked up some absolutely delicious nectarines, but when we were washing them we discovered they were from the United States. Now, they were delicious, but if things aren't grown in the immediate area, then I try to buy from Canada when I can.
Another thing the farmers market is perfect for is that it provides an amazing venue for people watching. Talk about a cultural mosaic, which is part of what makes Canada so great. You have the chance to interact with many different cultures and see people from many different social classes. It is one of the most entertaining and relaxing way to shop for groceries. Okay, it can get a little tense when the little old ladies are trying to strong arm their way to the vine ripen tomatoes, but nothing that a good bitch slap can't correct. Ha!Ha! Just kidding, they could take me with one arm tied behind their back.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The thing that I've been remembering these past couple of months is when I was a child the world seemed to have such an immense possibility of joy.  That joy and excitement experienced over the smallest things, like an ice cream cone (aka fat boys heroine) or the immense adrenalin rush experienced when Christmas was only a few hours a way. Those feelings just can't seem to be replicated as an adult. Not that I would every want to go back. 
Being a chubby boy, who was gay and wasn't able to comprehend that yet, living in a small town where hunting, fishing and off roading were past times for the average boy. A time when I'd rather play with dolls than trucks and road hockey was a punishment paid for wanting to actually hang out with friends. Yes, I'm very happy childhood is behind me now. However I'd still love to have that ability to feel that kind of pure happiness again.
Maybe it is 37 years of taking the hits of life on the chin that beats that out of you. The ever growing cynicism and the wilting optimism. Don't get me wrong, I have a fantastic life, with a loving husband, two wonderful dogs and amazing friends, but I just would like to feel that sense of awe and wonder again. 
Hmm... something to ponder... how to rev up your happiness meter when you are getting close to 40. I've tried wine and shopping therapy, which can both make me pretty dam happy, but there must be something I'm missing. Not giving up though, will need to think more about this. Maybe I'm just heading to an early mid-life crisis. Oh joy!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What the Hell?

A little girl in Phoenix is lured to a shed with the promise of chewing gum. The boy who lures her there rapes her along with 3 other boys. If that isn't the most horrible thing you have ever heard it does get worse. The girl's parents blame her for what happened and say she has brought shame on the family. The girl is now with child protective services.
I just can't seem to even begin to understand how horrible people can be. How can parents toss their little girl away with such little regard at the time she needs them so much? How is this type of thing not considered a hate crime on its own. After all it is simply that she is female that she is being treated this way.
My only hope is that she ends up being placed with a family that will love and take care of her and give her the opportunity to heal from the trama she has endured, first by her attackers and then by her family.